Heirloom tomatoes, taste amazing, look amazing
From hummus desserts and motherless meat to mainstreaming marijuana and middle-aged waitresses, these are just some of the food and restaurant trends forecast for 2019. Ingrid Shevlin reports
Just when you resigned yourself to the fact that kale is the new spinach or that some obscure South American vegetable (which is never going to hit our shop shelves, anyway) is the latest superfood, it all changes. Out goes coconut water, in comes cactus water. Out goes perfect fruit, in comes ugly fruit. Margarine is so 2017, so welcome back real butter. Bone broth becomes the latest panacea of all ills and more and more Japanese food is thrilling Western tastebuds. Shrewd Food trawled through publications and websites to find out what’s in store for 2019. So, below, are the trends you should be following this year, failing which you can at least sound intelligent at the dinner table when someone raves on about Nigella seeds – and, no, they have nothing to do with Nigella Lawson.
But there is one prevailing theme thoughout the new trends: The rise of vegetarianism. This means the demand for tasty plant-based meat substitutes continues to grow (Woolworths has just bought out a range of plant-based meat substitutes) and lab-grown, motherless meat is just around the corner. Say goodbye to the braai and help save our planet.
(Some of the information has been quoted directly from these, largely international, websites and publications and some items have been substantially reworded with added information to give some local context and info).