The humble avocado has become a victim of its own success
The avocado is enjoying worldwide popularity but this may result in it becoming endangered says a report in The Independent in London.
The reasons are water and drugs.
California: California produces a billion pounds of avocados through the March-to-September season but with 98% of the state experiencing drought, you can understand the problem. It takes 318l of water to produce 1lb (454g) of avocados. Not only does that mean water is drawn away from more essential public uses – it also means that water costs more for the farmers.
Chile: The amount of land used for avocado farming in Chile has increased eight-fold in 25 years but the process is draining the groundwater and village wells.
Mexico: No so much a water problem, but a concern that most of the groves are within the state of Michoacan, which is largely controlled by the Caballeros Templarios, a drug cartel.
“Murder and extortion are so common in the industry that one security expert refers to them as “blood avocados”,” the report quoted. Even if you are unmoved by ethics, one thing is certain: avocados will continue getting more and more expensive.